Dr. Robert Pitts speaks about PTSD

We’ve worked quite a bit with people that have been traumatized and it's you know we think a lot about a men and women in the military that have had traumatizing experiences but there's so many other people that have been traumatized by abuse by you know scary things that happened you know having terrible horrible accidents who uh you can be traumatized in middle school when you get teased every day and bullied and so you know trauma comes in all kinds of shapes and forms and flavors but and the thing about trauma is it tends to freeze itself in your in your psyche and your mind and your body, trauma lives in your body and we often people have body memories that are very powerful and so in other words what I mean by that is they'll unconsciously re-experience something that will trigger their trauma without them even being aware of it and it will express itself in some kind of physical pain or inability to do something physically and so, but the key is a like with everything else that that people can struggle with we have very good treatments for trauma there's a well-known treatment called EMDR eye movement desensitization and reprocessing which is a powerful treatment for trauma that it involves stimulating each side of the brain back and forth now traditionally we did it by moving our fingers and front of the clients eyes kind of like this where they follow the fingers but keep their head still, but we also have a machine that allows us to stimulate each side of the brain with auditory beeps and headphones also with pulsars that vibrate back and forth that they hold in their hands and the stimulation back and forth serve two functions it's calming and hypnotic it's also distracting and a good way which allows you to think about and talk about the trauma without it being retraumatizing so the bilateral stimulation as we call it calms you and put you in a state of mind and it distracts you enough so that you can let your mind deal with some of these and it tend to move you from a negative way of looking at the trauma to hey I survived it I got through it and I'm okay now you know trauma like I said it freezes itself in your body and in your mind and what happened maybe 20, 30 years ago can feel like it happened yesterday it retains its intensity but after trauma treatments you still have the memory of what happened but it takes the charge out of it doesn't paralyze you in the way that it does before you get treatment whenever you're triggered.