Dr. Brandi Rudolph Bolling speaks about ADHD.

Is ADHD real?

If you've ever been around a child or even an adult, who has it, you know, now I could go on and on and on talking about ADHD and whether or not it is real, and it absolutely is, is a neural, neurodevelopmental, and neurobiological disorder.

That simply means that it is neurologically related. It is from our brains. There are some things that mom may have done during pregnancy, but oftentimes mom did nothing and dad didn't either. It is developmentally related, which means that we see the symptoms of ADHD come about as the child ages, and so it is definitely real.

And not only does it affect the child or the adult who has it, it impacts the entire family. Marriages fail because either parents don't agree on the diagnosis, agree on the treatment, or even they don't understand it. So you have marriages that fall apart simply because sometimes no one will keep the child, and so you don't get to spend that quality time alone as a couple.

So that can be a big deal. Obviously, academics can decline, causing children to fail in school. It's a safety issue with children getting hurt. The list goes on and on and on. College dropouts, with only about 5% to 10% of those who make it to college have ADHD, actually completing teenage pregnancy, and drug abuse.

I mean, it goes on and on and on. And I can link it all right back to ADHD that may have gotten missed in a chatty Cathy little girl.